Saturday, 12 May 2012

The Knitters Essentials - Garter Stitch

Hey there!

So if you saw yesterdays post you'll know now how to cast on using three different techniques -handy eh?

If your new to knitting, once you've mastered casting on, which is usually the trickiest part, you can get cracking on knitting.

What I find is easiest to learn is garter stitch, which is just knitting all the rows. And it gives you this effect:

Garter Stitch (Just knit)

For those stockings in the picture on my May 9th Post- the white ruffle effect at the top was achieved using this stitch - its my favourite stitch because it is so easy!

Here is a really useful tutorial on how to knit garter stitch:

KnitTV- is a really good source on YouTube, it takes you through a whole load of different techniques ranging from basics to advanced- my recommendation for today. You can watch their tutorials on The Crafts channel on YouTube, as well as tutorials on how to do various other crafty things - its a really good channel!

So have a go at garter stitch, its really simple once you get the hang of it, and its really fast to knit up.

If you would like to send me any pictures of your knitting attempts or finished patterns send them my way on
and I will upload them on future posts!

Knit away! x

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