Friday, 22 November 2013

Its Wonka time :)

Look what came in the post...

These lovely little wonka bar charms will be the making of my 21st birthday costume. 
To buy willy wonka themed jewellery is very expensive, so I've decided to buy the charms, for about £2.00 and go to the Bead Shop in Nottingham and buy the earring hooks for about 5p each. 

Love them!

Friday, 15 November 2013

Kumihimo bracelet a definite success!!

See how perfect it is! And after only 1 hours work :) would recommend! 

Kumihimo Bracelet success!

Today I visited the lovely Bead Shop in Nottingham. 
  I've been having trouble finding jewellery for my willy wonka costume and came across this bracelet set. It reminds me of the things we used to make at school with plastic string, to make bracelets and keyrings.
  But this is a grown up more sophisicated version.
I've been doing it for about 20 minutes and it's already taking shape. It's simple and quick - exactly what I was after. And the set isn't expensive either at £4.50 you get the thread, the pad, a toggle clasp and 2 barrel ends. Everything you need for a bracelet. And what's more, it will be cheaper next time because they do the thread at 30p a metre. 

So you all know now what your getting for Christmas :) xXx

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Realising how much yarn I have

Being at university 75% of the time, naturally I need enough yarn at my student house to keep my occupied during times of procrastination, when all hope of work seems lost.
Recently I've noticed my yarn collection has got a little bit wild, and has started taking over not one but two houses. Both the university and the home home house.

In a bid to end the yarn wars a few years ago, my mum and sister decided to crochet me a patchwork quilt made with sewn up granny squares. I took it to uni and it is still here with me!

So the question is now whether there is a call for another patchwork quilt or not?

The main problem is I live about 5 minutes from a knitting shop, with yes, 10% student discount on all purchases!

I have lots of yarn but never enough time to make large projects due to uni work and actual work.
Plus I suppose I have too many projects on the go.

Any suggestions on what I should do, to get rid of the stuff?

Little Christmas Puds

Now I know Christmas is a way off yet, and I really am sorry for bringing it up (I can't help it!) but these cute little Christmas puds literally take 5 minutes to make and look great as a tree decoration.
All you need is some brown and some white wool and for decoration red and green wool.

The pattern is available in this months KnitToday or heres some more really great variations on the pattern for you to try! pudding

Or some different designs here at the wonderful Moogly blog...

Looking forward to decorating my uni house with all the different tree decorations... hope my housemates don't mind!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Wee Beasties

On a recent trip to Scotland a bat flew out of the curtains at one of the hotels we stayed in. My sister flew into the ensuite screaming and then shouted to me "Laura get my phone!" - of all things.
The bat was flying round in circles and I went to the reception to get the owner of the hotel. When we got back to the room the bat was mysteriously gone, and the owner had thought we'd gone batty. Then, it flew out again and the owner caught it with his fishing net and took it outside, and told us later in the hotel bar...
 "I caught the wee beastie."

Our road trip around Scotland was brilliant, and every time I look at this book, I cant help but remember that story.

I cant help but love this book. So ok the actual items aren't useful - (like a knitted blue tit isn't going to keep you warm when waiting for a bus on a frosty morning) but still.

Its jam packed with little creative ideas to keep you busy all through the winter months. So when there's no flowers or leaves on the trees, you can knit some to make you feel better.
My particular favourite is the strawberry- it looks so good!

75 birds, butterflies & beautiful beasties to knit and crochet by Lesley Stanfield RRP £10.99

Off to shorthand now :)
If there's anything you want me to cover, contact me at

Friday, 1 November 2013

Poppies to remember

This year I've seen a growing amount of knitted or crochet poppies on peoples coats. Which is great as it shows more and more people are getting involved in the skill and are putting it to good use.
Although this is great for knitting, the money given to the cause is still desperately needed, and I urge all of you knitters and crafty people to donate to the cause even if you don't have a paper copy.
This is my improvised Remembrance day poppy.
Made by using DK red and black wool, starting with a magic circle.
 Would love to see yours! Send me your picture to:
and I'll feature it on the blog!